[用後感 REVIEW] THREE - Balancing White Clear Essence 平衡淨白精華液
I was searching a nice serum while I was in the duty free counter at Japan airport. The staff said this balancing white clear essence is a serum, which I apply it after toning. Afterwards, I searched online about the usage of this essence and noticed I should apply it before toning. At the same time, I just finished my Sulwhasoo first care serum during my trip to USA, then I decided to try out this essence. 購買的是時 候 是抱著「我要買一支精華液」的心態,買的時候職 員 ﹙於機 場 的免 稅 店購 入 ,買的時 候 有打折﹚說是化妝水後使用,但回家上網看回使用方法,其 實 這是一支前導精華。不過剛好到美國的時候,剛好把手上一直用開的雪花秀潤燥精華用光光,那我便拿這一支出來使用。 ﹙ 附上英 、日使用說明 ﹚ ﹙ Instruction: English [left] and Japanese [right] ﹚