[喜愛 FAVOURITE] Foundation Powders_粉餅 - SUQQU : Dual Effect Powder Foundation(晶彩立體雙效粉餅) & Cle De Peau : teint poudre éclat (裸紗光彩釆粉餅)
Introducing the 2 powder foundation that I have kept using in the pass few months.Normally I would only do my makeup during weekends or during times that I need to attend any important events, such as meetings or seminars. Personally, I prefer a foundation that can cover my redness on my face but not cake on my skin at the same time. Due to the skin type I have, I do not prefer using liquid foundation as it would give a very thick effect and also a greasy, sticky texture on my face. I would like my face have a healthy glow but not greasy (I guess it would be what all people would aim for while putting on makeup). 這一次想說一下我最近喜歡、經常使用的兩塊粉餅。我平常不會每天化妝,我只要是要出席特別的場合例如會議之類的才會動手。個人覺得底妝是很重要,因我的臉比較容易泛紅,所以我會注重我的底妝多於彩妝﹙畢竟我把其他彩妝化得多麼好,臉看起來都是紅紅的,整體不會好看到那裡去吧?﹚基於個人的膚質及妝感,粉狀的底妝會帶給我比較自然而透薄的妝容,就是化了出來會令人看起來皮膚很好。以前嘗試過不同品牌的粉底液,但化了以後總覺得臉黏黏的。雖然粉底液能比粉狀的能遮蓋臉上的瑕疵,但我總覺得妝感很厚重,給人一種﹕「我就是化了妝。」的效果。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 powder foundation that I recently reach for : (1)...