
目前顯示的是 5月, 2017的文章

[用後感 REVIEW] Suqqu Blush compact 腮紅盤: 03 柔琥珀 Yawakohaku & Cheek and Face colour Ex-01

~ ﹙ 左:Ex-01;右 :03  柔琥珀 ﹚ ~ ~ ﹙ Left: Ex-01; Right: 03 Yawakohaku ﹚ ~ The first blush that I got from Suqqu is this Balancing Cheek 03 compact (Yawakohaku; 3.1g). I did not have any intention to buy blush at first, I was asking the sale associate to help me matching the foundation colour on my face, she was so kind to apply my brows,  cheeks and even shadow down to my bridge of my nose even though I didn’t ask to. Before she applied blushes, she pulled out a compact of blush colour and asked me which colour I would like to have. Since I am not an expert on knowing what colour suits me the best, I decided to let the SA to help me on deciding which colour to use. When I first saw the pan I was hoping the SA not to choose 03 compact because of the orange colour, because it looks so vibrant that I thought it may not match my style. Funny enough, the SA chose this 03 compact after looking on my outfit on that day. I did not purchase it immediately after the trail, in fact I purchase

[旅遊] 2016 美國之旅﹙三﹚ - 波士頓﹙4日3夜﹚︰Harvard University﹙哈佛大學﹚/Quincy Market/Freedom Trail ﹙自由之路﹚/Newburry Street

~ ﹙ 機場Shuttle下車的地方 ﹚ ~ ~ ﹙前往Greyhound公車站 ﹚ ~ ~ ﹙波士頓的巴士站 ﹚ ~ 於聖誕節的時候與朋友打算到波士頓及紐約來一個 8 天之旅。先去波士頓 3 天,然後到紐約 5 天。先於紐約 JFK 機場搭 shuttle 到 Port Authority ,然後轉乘 Greyhound 到波士頓。