
目前顯示的是 10月, 2017的文章

[用後感 REVIEW] Sunday Riley Luna Sleeping Night Oil 夜間面部護理油

這枝油已經開了有一段時間,但每次用量很少﹙兩到三滴左右﹚,所以用了大半年(精華 Good Genes 已經用光),這枝油還剩下一半。 I have opened this product in the beginning of this year, as only few drops are needed for each use, I still have half a bottle left after using it for half a year (and my Good Genes serum has already finished). ~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧ 這枝油最令人難忘的是它的顏色,滴上臉是深深的藍色。推開後會好一點,顏色會變淡。這枝油是於使用它家的精華前使用,我嘗試過於精華後塗上臉,是會掉屑屑的,而根據它品牌的使用說明就沒有掉屑的問題。 The signature of this oil is definitely its deep navy blue colour. The colour would “kind of” fade out after blending. This oil should be used before the Good Genes treatment, I tried using the oil after the serum and realized the products would not be absorbed properly, and if I use according to the brand's instruction, products would be absorbed without any problem. ~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧ ~(spread out the product)~ ~﹙推開來的樣子﹚~ 這瓶雖然是油質,但是很容易給皮膚吸收,塗後臉部也不會看起來亮亮的。這油含有 Retinol (維他命 A ),能減退臉部細紋...