
目前顯示的是 12月, 2017的文章

[開箱文] 2017 歐洲之旅 :聖誕禮物 - Hermes Bolide 31 愛馬仕柏麗包

誰都知道,在歐洲買大品牌的東西都較便宜,畢竟定價較低,而且有退稅的關係,有時候跟在亞洲買東西的差價約打了 7-8 折。所以這次的歐洲之旅出發前已經開始想要買什麼,當作給自己的聖誕禮物。 As most of us know, it is so much cheaper to buy brand items in Europe as they have lower price mark up, especially with tax refund, it is about 20 - 30 % off compare buying the same item in Asia. That’s why I already start thinking what to get in this Europe trip as Christmas present.