[開箱文] 2017 歐洲之旅 :聖誕禮物 - Hermes Bolide 31 愛馬仕柏麗包
As most of us know, it is so much cheaper to buy brand items in
Europe as they have lower price mark up, especially with tax refund, it is about
20 - 30 % off compare buying the same item in Asia. That’s why I already start
thinking what to get in this Europe trip as Christmas present.
這次想入手的是愛馬仕家新出的背帶(對的,當Fendi 家出了那麼多背帶,那麼多人拿來背愛馬仕家的袋子,它自己終於出自家的背帶),當然背帶產量還是很少,有時候店裡也不見得看到一條display。背帶材質上有出兩款:皮質跟帆布;另外長度也有分長、短兩種。除了背帶,就是想入手愛馬仕的柏麗包(Bolide)。這個袋子在愛馬仕家非常低調,沒有品牌logo顯露在袋子上。另外這個袋子有背帶跟把手,讓你有兩種背法。這款袋子最有名就是那條拉鍊,畢竟是它家把拉鍊引進了法國;以及第一顆愛馬仕包設計上使用了拉鍊。這款包我聽說不難拿,不用配貨也應該拿到,只是要拿愛馬仕家皮包就是有一個通病,不一定店裡存貨有你想要的顏色,所以只能踫運氣囉。
This time I would like to get my hands on the new shoulder strap
that came out from Hermes (finally Hermes brought out their own shoulder strap
after numerous people have used the colorful shoulder straps from Fendi), but
still, the shoulders straps from Hermes are hard to get, sometimes I can’t even
find one on display/in stock in stores. As far from I know, the shoulder straps
came in 2 materials: leather and canvas; the straps came with few sizes as well:
70cm, 85 cm and 105cm. Besides shoulder strap, I am interested in Bolide
(surprise surprise). I like this bag as it is subtle. Also, this is a two-way
bag which it has a top handle and shoulder strap, very easy to use. This bag is
famous about the zip, which Hermes was the brand who introduced zipper into
France and this was the first bag that Hermes designed with the zipper. I heard
this bag was not hard to get, which I don’t have to purchase other items in
order to get the bag offer. The only issue on getting an Hermes bag is ALWAYS you
may not have the bag in your favourite colour, so getting a dream bag is always
about luck!
這支包是在荷蘭拿下的。剛進去就問店員有沒有背帶,他說只剩下一條,而那條也給人訂下了。所以自己就轉移焦點到包包上。架上就是有一枝金色(gold colour)的柏麗包,尺寸31cm。根據慣例,display 的包包都不賣(而且不知道是不是因為是display,我總覺得display的包包縫線手工沒有做的很好,好像是皮匠師失手了不能賣,就放到架子上讓人試),所以就請問他會不會有別的顏色。店員說應該沒有,但他也問了我心目中的顏色是什麼(自己想要的是一些深色,深到發黑的那種最喜歡),然後店員在後頭找了一會兒,拿了一個盒子回來說:「我幫你找到了一個跟金色同價錢的回來,看你喜不喜歡。」一打開就是黑色、銀扣子、clemence 皮、size 31的bolide。說真的,很難拒絕。而且店員說在荷蘭買東西,價格越大,退的稅也越多(定價跟法國一樣;但退的稅比法國多),所以從進店到刷卡不到半小時,拿著包興奮的回酒店。
I got this bag at Holland. The first thing I asked after entering
the store was about the shoulder strap, he told me there was only one left and
that one had reserved by another customer. I switched my attention to bags. There was a gold on gold hardware, size 31 bolide on the shelf. As
usual, they don’t sell display items ( I noticed that for the stitching on the display
items I tried in stores, they are not as fine as those are come from
the box. It seems (to me) the display bags are those that do not meet the
standard for retailing.) I asked the SA whether they have other colours on the Bolide in the store,
the SA said possibly not having any but he could check for the availability in the stock
room. He asked for my personal preference before the search (my
preference are darker colours, especially those as deep as black).
After a while, the SA was holding an orange box said “ I have found
you one that is in the same price as the gold one, see whether you like it or
not.” Once he opened the box, it is a Bolide in size 31, Noir, palladium hardware, clemence leather. It
was hard for me to say no, especially the SA told me I would receive a
higher tax refund in Holland versus in France (the price tag would be the same, but the
percentage of the tax refund is higher in Holland when you shop more), so I immediately
swiped my card and bring this lovely bag to hotel.
Here are the close-up of the bag~
另外twilly 是在巴黎買的,不知道是不是臨近聖誕節,所以在巴黎逛愛馬仕好像沒有很多存貨的感覺,而且店員都很忙(應該是一年365天都很忙吧他們)。希望大家開開心心的迎接新的一年。:)
The leather was so stiff when the bag first came out from the box. It was hard to zip the bag. After using it for a while, the
leather started to slouch,, which it brings some characters to the bag. Even though this bag is in size 31, I
can fit all my daily essentials (quite a lot of stuff) inside. If you have more things to carry, Bolide comes with size 35 and 45, which you can check it out if you are interested. I got the Twilly in Paris and maybe it was close to Christmas, there were not much stocks
in Paris Hermes stores, and the SAs were extremely busy ( I guess they are always
busy). Anyway, hope everyone has a nice year in 2018!