[用後感 REVIEW] 白鳳堂 (Hakuhodo) B103 & 竹宝堂 (Chikuhodo) Z – 2
個人日常化妝比較偏向簡單、快捷。完成底妝後,頂多掃個腮紅看起來氣色不錯便出門了。上腮紅的掃子有兩把,基本上兩把都是高光粉 掃來的(笑)。先購入的是白鳳堂的那支,當初買的時候是因爲它可愛的水滴造型,而且價格也沒有很高﹙因當時匯率還不錯﹚。 它的毛是山羊毛,比較容易處理。只是在頭幾回清潔它的時候,洗出來的水有點黑黑藍藍,然後也有寄電郵給白鳳堂詢問情況,表示應該是染色的顏料掉下來(因為羊毛是經過染色才變黑色)。清洗幾遍後,掉顏色的問題減少(我另外一支白鳳堂的買回來兩年,到現在每次清潔時還會掉顏色,有時候還掉一、兩根毛)。雖然清潔的時候會掉顏色,但上妝的時候不會有問題,而且毛髮看起來還是很黑。 *Normally I would wear simple make-up, which just put some blush on after finishing the base make-up. I have two brushes for my blush application and these two brushes were originally targeted for highlight. Brush B 103 from Hakuhodo was the first highlight brush I have ever bought. I bought it because of its cute “tear-drop” shape plus its reasonable price (please take account to the low currency in 2015). This brush is made in goat hair which is more durable. However, while I was washing this brush for the first few times, some black coloured water were washed off. I sent an email to Hakuhodo and asked them about the issue and they replied, saying it was normal for the colour t...