[用後感 REVIEW] 白鳳堂 (Hakuhodo) B103 & 竹宝堂 (Chikuhodo) Z – 2

個人日常化妝比較偏向簡單、快捷。完成底妝後,頂多掃個腮紅看起來氣色不錯便出門了。上腮紅的掃子有兩把,基本上兩把都是高光粉掃來的(笑)。先購入的是白鳳堂的那支,當初買的時候是因爲它可愛的水滴造型,而且價格也沒有很高﹙因當時匯率還不錯﹚。 它的毛是山羊毛,比較容易處理。只是在頭幾回清潔它的時候,洗出來的水有點黑黑藍藍,然後也有寄電郵給白鳳堂詢問情況,表示應該是染色的顏料掉下來(因為羊毛是經過染色才變黑色)。清洗幾遍後,掉顏色的問題減少(我另外一支白鳳堂的買回來兩年,到現在每次清潔時還會掉顏色,有時候還掉一、兩根毛)。雖然清潔的時候會掉顏色,但上妝的時候不會有問題,而且毛髮看起來還是很黑。

*Normally I would wear simple make-up, which just put some blush on after finishing the base make-up. I have two brushes for my blush application and these two brushes were originally targeted for highlight. Brush B 103 from Hakuhodo was the first highlight brush I have ever bought. I bought it because of its cute “tear-drop” shape plus its reasonable price (please take account to the low currency in 2015). This brush is made in goat hair which is more durable. However, while I was washing this brush for the first few times, some black coloured water were washed off. I sent an email to Hakuhodo and asked them about the issue and they replied, saying it was normal for the colour to wash off as the hair were not naturally in black. After few washes, the coloured water issue has been reduced (for another Hakuhodo brush that I owned, coloured water would still washed off after two years of usage and few hairs would fall off during the wash). Even though coloured water would come out during cleansing, the colour does not transfer to the face while applying makeup and the hair still look as black as before.


~﹙購入時 6000;未含稅﹚~
~Price 6000 yen;tax excluded~

B103的沾粉能力還不錯,忠實呈現:沾到的粉全都過到臉上,不太會吃粉。因是羊毛的關係,掃上臉是有一點刺刺的。它的掃頭﹙斜面那邊﹚面積比較大,所以上臉的時候覆蓋的面積比較廣,有機會把顏色上到你本身不想上到的地方。另一方面,它尖尖的頭很方便你把粉上到眼底下這些平常很難上粉的地方,﹙尤其是近最近幾年外國很紅的bake technique [烘焙技術,用這支掃上一大堆粉來定妝也不錯)。

*Hakuhodo B103 is able to pick up product nicely and transfer the product onto the face. May feel a little bit rough while applying as the texture of the goat hairs is not the softest. The tip of the brush is quite slanted which I may apply products to the place that I originally would not want it to be. On the other hand, the pointed tip helps applying the powders to the under eye area, such as applying loads of powders when you want to bake under your eyes.


~﹙購入時 7000;未含稅﹚~
~Price 7000 yen;tax excluded~

竹宝堂這支買的時候是抱著要把Z系列儲起來的心態買下來。材質也是一如既往那麼的滑、柔軟。清潔起來不會像白鳳堂那支洗出有顏色的水。對它的使用率也蠻高,因為它的刷頭小小的,比白鳳堂B103那支更能準確把粉上在我想要的地方。畢竟是松鼠毛,抓粉能力一定沒有白鳳堂那支高,所以我特別會用這支上一些顯色度較高的腮紅(比如Burberry 家的腮紅),可以避免上完腮紅後看起來像猴子屁股一樣紅。因為它毛軟軟的特質,掃出來的顏色比較柔,也很適合暈開一些過實的顏色。我嘗試過用這支上高光粉,出來的效果比較低調,可能要上幾遍才能跟盤子裡的顏色看起來一樣。

*I bought the Z – 2 for personal collection (haha…). The gray squirrel hair are as soft as it always be. I use this brush very often as it has a small brush head which allows me to apply product pin - point to the place that I want. Because of the squirrel hair characteristics, the hair are so soft that do not pick up as much product as the B103 from Hakuhodo, so I would normally use this brush to apply high pigmented products, such as the blush from Burberry. And because of its soft texture, the blush colour would look super natural after applying. Plus, this brush is good for blending any harsh line, softening the pigmented colour that have just applied. I tried applying highlights using this brush and again, the highlights did not show much and I world need to re-apply the products for few more times to reach the consistency of what I see inside the pan.


如果是偏好淡妝的朋友,我比較推這Z - 2。這支唯一的缺點就是除了粉狀的產品,其他都不可以用(特別是膏狀或液體狀的產品)。所以對擁有不同材質產品的朋友,白鳳堂的B103會比較合適,因為可以一支走天涯。看它官網說B103 size 這支黑頭的應將會停產,但白頭﹙材質:羊毛 +合成纖維﹚的那支應還有,有興趣的朋友可以按這裡

For those who like to have natural makeup, I highly recommend the Chikuhodo Z – 2. The only problem with this brush is that you cannot apply any cream or liquid products because of the delicate squirrel hair. For those who wants only one brush that fits all kind of highlight/blush products, the Hakuhodo B103 would be your choice. According to their website, B 103, the one with the black hairs, is going to be discontinued; however, the one with the white hairs is still available. You may check the availability 


*Brush Price varies depending on the the type of hair, handle you choose. 

*If you wish to purchase similar brushes in Hakuhodo, please visit Here

竹宝堂︰如想購買與Z – 2差不多的掃,可參考這裡。﹙現在英文官網表示可寄到美加、歐洲囉!﹚
*If you wish to purchase similar brushes in Chikuhodo, please visit Here, plus now they ship to US, Canada and EU.



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