[Travel 旅遊] 2016 日本之旅 - 廣島 熊野町《筆の里工房》Hiroshima Kumano-cho《Fudenosato Kobo》
Z ~ ﹙ 筆の里工房 ﹚ ~ ~ ﹙ Fudenosato Kobo ﹚ ~ For my second visit to Hiroshima, Japan, my family and I were struggling to decide what tourist hot spot we should visit in Hiroshima as we have visited to most of the famous spots like the Atomic bomb, Miyashima etc. At the end we decided (mainly I insisted) that we should visit – Kumano-cho (Kumano Town). 第二次去廣島,想破頭也不知道去那裡,原爆 Dome 、宮島之類有名的景點都去過了,最後跟家人決定(其實是因為我強烈推薦)就來一個自駕遊到廣島有名的熊野町吧! ~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧ ~ ﹙ 筆の里 熊野 Map ﹚ ~ ~ ﹙ Fudeonosato K umano map ﹚ ~ Start from my first purchase of make-up brush from Chikuhodo, I always want to visit Fudenosato Kobo (it is the museum/exhibitions for the brushes in Kumano-cho ) as all of the brushes makers/factory are at the town, which is worth going if you are interested in brushes. I thought of going to Kumano-cho during my first visit to Hiroshima, however, because of the limited public transportation, I was only ...