[用後感 REVIEW] First Aid Beauty - Facial radiance pads 柔膚去角質棉片 & Ultra repair liquid recovery 強效修復精華液

My winter skin care products are way too heavy as spring comes. I was searching my storage draw to see whether I have products that are not heavy to use during the humid weather. And I found these two products from First Aid Beauty that I bought with my friends during a discount/ promotion. (1) Facial radiance pads (28 pads) and (2) Ultra repair liquid recovery (36.9ml).

噹噹~找到較早前與朋友搭單買的First Aid Beauty。買的時候優惠是買三送一,這次出場的是其中兩件1Facial radiance pads(柔膚去角質棉片28 2) Ultra repair liquid recovery(強效修復精華液36.9ml)。


~Left: Facial Radiance Pads; Right: Ultra Repair Liquid Recovery﹚~

With no doubt, First Aid Beauty is one of the popular skin care brands in America, which you can find its products basically in every Sephora shop. Their products are affordable with significant results, plus, no artificial, fragrance or other harmful chemicals are added, which is suitable for people who have sensitive skin.

First Aid Beauty 這個品牌在美國基本上你進去Sephora 都找到它的蹤影。它家產品的價格很親民,效果也不賴,而且不含防腐劑、香料、色素等等,所以有敏感性肌膚的朋友都可以使用。


~Cotton pad with the printed side﹚~

~Cotton pad with the smooth side﹚~

The radiance pads are cotton pads that soaked with products that can mildly exfoliate and brighten your skin after use. It suggests you to use this product after cleansing your face (morning and night). The cotton pads come with 2 sides, one side is printed and the other side is smooth. However there are no direction on what’s the difference on both sides, I guess (?) the side with prints is for exfoliating and the other side is to smooth out the skin. Each cotton pad is equally moist which you won’t find water dripping till the last cotton pad in the container.



~The tube to squeeze the product﹚~

Another product that I purchased was their Ultra Repair Liquid Recovery. According to the site, this product acts as a serum which can hydrate and sooth the skin. However, this product was suggested to apply it after face cleansing instead of after toning.



~The consistency of the product﹚~

~After blending﹚~

~After the product has been absorbed﹚~

I have tried these 2 items for almost two weeks and would like to write about my thoughts on them. For the radiance pads, the formula is really mild which do not irritate my skin. When I first wipe the pad on my face, the cotton pad was as clean as it was, not until I wipe the pad at the pack of my neck…… some grayish stuff were wiped off ( Isn’t it show that my face is super clean? Haha). I would first use the printed side to swipe my face in circular motion, then smoothen my skin using the non-printed side. Allowing the toner on the cotton pad to dry on my skin for a few minutes, I then apply the Ultra Repair Liquid Recovery. The suggested amount for each use is 1 teaspoon but normally I would just squeeze the amount that my palm can hold because it is too watery. This product is easily absorbed and leave no sticky residue or texture on the skin, this fresh and light weighted product is perfect for the spring weather.  

用了這兩件東西差不多兩個星期,那就寫一下對它們的感想。那罐去角質棉片,配方真的很溫和,擦上臉都不會感到刺激或是有敏感的情況。剛用的時候棉片都還是白色,直到我把它擦到頸後⋯⋯,灰灰的!(這証明我洗臉還是洗的蠻乾淨,哈哈)。我都先用有圖案我那邊打圈擦一次,然後用平滑那面再擦。擦完便等上的精華乾掉,我便拿出強效修復精華液那支塗上臉。建議用量是1 茶匙,但份量我都是按個大概,因為它的質地很水,按太多出來會流到四處都是,覺得不夠,才會再按。這支質地很水,很快給皮膚吸收,皮膚吸收後是清爽的,不會黏黏,所以很適合春天這種濕濕黏黏的天氣使用。


The above skin care routine has been continued for almost two weeks, I have noticed my skin's texture looks lot more smoother. I did not notice any significant result on brightening, but able to wipe off the dirt/ grime from my skin (especially at the back of my neck) is pretty satisfying. For the Ultra Repair Liquid Recover, overall it provides a reasonable hydration to my skin, not so much  around my nose area. I would say these products are perfect for the spring season as it keeps my skin hydrate without feeling sticky, however, I may not use them for the cold, dry season/ weather.




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