[用後感 REVIEW] The ordinary - Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 (透明質酸2%+維他命B5) & Lactic acid 5% + HA 2% (乳酸5%+透明質酸2%)

The Ordinary has been mentioned and discussed a lot these days, which people commented that their products are not pricey but effective at the same time, I got 2 products from this brand and have a try.



The Ordinary is a brand under the company DECIEM, instead of having loads of products piling up on the skin, they choose the ingredients that only work for the skin and make it to different skin care products. Their products have simple ingredients, some of their products received several beauty awards in the past few years, which raises my interest.

The Ordinary DECIEM其下的品牌,產品以科學為本,覺得把一大堆成份的護膚品用上臉,倒不如將只是對皮膚有效的成份,弄成一支護膚產品,作重點修護。所以它們的產品是很簡單,而且它們的產品也拿不少beauty awards,讓我有興趣去試它家的產品。


~(The texture of the B5)~

~(After blending)~

~After the product has been absorbed﹚~

I got two items from the brand this time: Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 and Lactic acid 5% +HA 2%. B5 is for skin hydration, I have tried multiple B5 products from different brands and this is the cheapest that I have encountered. This B5 serum is easily absorbed by the skin and no sticky feeling after absorption. The only down side is that I can use up the product really fast! If I use this product 2 times a day, I can finish it within 2 months. Thankfully this product is not expensive.

這次入手的是透明質酸2%+維他命B5 + 乳酸5%+透明質酸2%B5那枝就是用來為皮膚補水,以前也買過不同品牌的類似產品,價格非常不親民。所以一看到The Ordinary 有賣這個,便立即包下來,想說不好用也不會為荷包心痛呀。這枝補濕精華還不錯,塗上臉很快就被吸收,不會有黏黏的感覺,用完上妝都會覺得個妝較貼服。唯一的缺點就是太快用完了!如果每天早、晚使用,應該不出兩個月都用光了。幸好它價格很便宜,再入手也不是負擔。


~(The texture of the Lactic Avid)~

~(After blending)~

~After the product has been absorbed﹚~

Another product I got is Lactic acid 5% +HA 2%. I got it when I spotted the term “Lactic Acid”, this reminds me my beloved Sunday Riley Good Genes! I was hoping to find a cheaper alternative of the good genes serum and I am sorry to say that this Lactic Acid from The Ordinary does not do what the Good Genes did on my skin. For the Good Genes, the product is easily absorbed and would feel slightly tinkling if you have any wounds on the face. Plus, the red pimples/ pumps on my face would reduce after using Good Genes. For The Ordinary Lactic Acid, it is easily absorbed and would have the tinkling sensation when I applied it. I feel it has a lightly scent of raisin (slightly sour scent), however, the Lactic Acid 5% could not reduce the pimple like what the Good Genes did on my face……But of course, Lactic Acid is mainly for skin renewal and I think this product performs pretty good in terms of its price tag. Besides Lactic Acid 5%, The ordinary also carry products with Lactic Acid 10 % for people who have already used to having the 5%, I believe the 10% may show a significant result on skin renewal.  

另外一枝是因為它打著有Lactic Acid (乳酸)成份才買的!因為自己愛用的Sunday Riley good genes 精華裡含有乳酸,就想試試能不能找到便宜又可以代替Sunday Riley 的好物。用下來,事實告訴我是不可能的(哭)。先說一下用上臉的感覺是怎樣:Sunday Riley 那瓶是比較快吸收,臉部有傷口的話會帶點刺痛,但用後對於剛冒出的痘痘有抑制作用。The Ordinary 那瓶用上臉會輕微有刺痛感,質地也算快吸收,聞上去有一陣葡萄乾的味道(就是有一咪咪酸的味道),但最重要的是它····退·······痘呀~但其實乳酸最重要是能去除老角質啦,我覺得這瓶就是這個價錢有這樣的效果很合理。它家除了有Lactic Acid 5%,還有出10%給一些皮膚已習慣



[用後感 REVIEW] Sunday Riley - Good Genes Treatment

[開箱文] 2017 歐洲之旅 :聖誕禮物 - Hermes Bolide 31 愛馬仕柏麗包