[旅遊] 2019 <南方太陽> 意大利南部 4 天3夜 行程 : 羅馬 Trip to Rome (III)
第三天便是在羅馬市中心遊覽,房東簡單向我介紹在市中心走的路線,強烈建議我不論走到哪家教堂都應進去看一看。根據他的介紹,第一站便到了 Santa Maria Maggiore ,可惜的是那天是沒有開門,所以在門口拍了幾張照就離開了。然後向羅馬鬥獸場的方向進發。 My third day starts travelling around in centre of Rome. My host suggested me a route to walk around, and recommended me to visit any churches that passes by. I stopped at Santa Maria Maggiore on my way to Colosseum. Unfortunately, the place was closed, so I simply took some photos and continue my way to Colosseum.