
目前顯示的是 5月, 2019的文章

[旅遊] 2019 <南方太陽> 意大利南部 4 天3夜 行程 : 羅馬 Trip to Rome (III)

第三天便是在羅馬市中心遊覽,房東簡單向我介紹在市中心走的路線,強烈建議我不論走到哪家教堂都應進去看一看。根據他的介紹,第一站便到了 Santa Maria Maggiore ,可惜的是那天是沒有開門,所以在門口拍了幾張照就離開了。然後向羅馬鬥獸場的方向進發。 My third day starts travelling around in centre of Rome. My host suggested me a route to walk around, and recommended me to visit any churches that passes by. I stopped at Santa Maria Maggiore on my way to Colosseum. Unfortunately, the place was closed, so I simply took some photos and continue my way to Colosseum. 

[旅遊] 2019 <南方太陽> 意大利南部 4 天3夜 行程:梵蒂岡 Trip to Vatican (II)

(Sfogliatella - 拿坡里傳統甜點 ) ( Bab á ) 第二天: 留宿的地方叫 B&B Anne's Family Terrance   ,所以就嘗了一個道地的拿坡里早餐 (全部都是自家製) 。最令我印象深刻的是被 host  推薦的 ” Dolce Napolitano ”  -Bab á 。一咬下去(!)滿口的 rum !好 high  喔拿坡里人,一大早就那樣的刺激了(笑)。幸好沒有吃很多。吃完便趕到車站乘火車到羅馬了! Day 2: I stayed at  B&B Anne's Family Terrance  in Naples, which they offered home made breakfast. The most unforgettable thing I have tried that morning was a dessert highly recommended by the host -  Bab á. Basically,  Bab á is a pastry that SOAKED with RUM! I couldn't believe they have such thing in the early morning.  ~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧    這次先上網預訂車票,到了車站找月台,然後登車,找位置,出發!車程約 80 分鐘,非常快。不知道是不是購買了 super economy ,上車不久就有 welcome snack  跟一瓶水。到了羅馬車站,便快速的 check-in 。 Later, I rushed to the Naples Central train station, and took the train to Rome. I booked the ticket online and I was able to get a seat at super economy in a cheap price. T...

[旅遊] 2019 <南方太陽> 意大利南部 4天3夜行程 :龐貝古城 Trip to Naples - Pompeii (I)

(維蘇威火山) 早於年初時已開始安排在復活節連假( 4 天)出去走走,最後決定由拿坡里進然後羅馬離開。因為只有 4 天,然後踫巧復活節,梵蒂岡星期日及 Easter Monday 很多景點都不開,所以這次行程如下:   I have planned this trip to Italy during Easter holiday since early this year, I entered Italy from Naples and leave at Rome. Since many places in Vatican are closed on Sunday and Easter Monday, so my schedule were as follows: ( I ) 第一天:先到拿坡里的龐貝古城 First Day: From Naples to Pompeii ( I I ) 第二天:早上搭火車到羅馬,然後出發到梵蒂岡   Second Day: Travel from Naples to Rome and metro to Vatican ( I I I ) 第三天:羅馬市中心 Third Day: Rome City Centre 第四天:早上於羅馬火車站附近逛,然後乘坐火車到羅馬機場