[旅遊] 2019 <南方太陽> 意大利南部 4 天3夜 行程 : 羅馬 Trip to Rome (III)
第三天便是在羅馬市中心遊覽,房東簡單向我介紹在市中心走的路線,強烈建議我不論走到哪家教堂都應進去看一看。根據他的介紹,第一站便到了Santa Maria Maggiore,可惜的是那天是沒有開門,所以在門口拍了幾張照就離開了。然後向羅馬鬥獸場的方向進發。
My third day starts travelling around in centre of Rome. My host suggested me a route to walk around, and recommended me to visit any churches that passes by. I stopped at Santa Maria Maggiore on my way to Colosseum. Unfortunately, the place was closed, so I simply took some photos and continue my way to Colosseum.
My third day starts travelling around in centre of Rome. My host suggested me a route to walk around, and recommended me to visit any churches that passes by. I stopped at Santa Maria Maggiore on my way to Colosseum. Unfortunately, the place was closed, so I simply took some photos and continue my way to Colosseum.
途中經過了S.Pietro in Vincoli,外觀看起來就是一個簡單的教堂,但裡面含有Michelangelo的作品 Status of Moses 以及一對稱鎖過耶穌十二門徒 - 彼得的鎖鏈。當年教宗 Leo I 將兩條鎖過彼得的鎖鏈 (在耶路撒冷及羅馬的Mamertino 監獄) 放在一起,然後鎖鏈二合為一。
I walked pass S.Pietro in Vincoli, it has a very simple appearance but inside they have the Status of Moses that created by Michelangelo, and also the relic of the chain that (claimed) had chained up Saint Peter ( 1 of the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ). Pope Leo I received the chains as a gift and he put 2 chains that had chained Saint Peter together( in Jerusalem and Mamertino Prison in Rome), 2 chains had merged into one.
I walked pass S.Pietro in Vincoli, it has a very simple appearance but inside they have the Status of Moses that created by Michelangelo, and also the relic of the chain that (claimed) had chained up Saint Peter ( 1 of the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ). Pope Leo I received the chains as a gift and he put 2 chains that had chained Saint Peter together( in Jerusalem and Mamertino Prison in Rome), 2 chains had merged into one.
*Most of the Churches and Basilicas in Rome do not require any entrance fees, donation is not required as well. If you are planning to visit places like Colosseum or historical sites, strongly recommend you to purchase tickets from the official sites. Also, the Churches and Basilicas usually are open for visitors, unless they are having mass or otherwise specified at the entrance.
*Most of the Churches and Basilicas in Rome do not require any entrance fees, donation is not required as well. If you are planning to visit places like Colosseum or historical sites, strongly recommend you to purchase tickets from the official sites. Also, the Churches and Basilicas usually are open for visitors, unless they are having mass or otherwise specified at the entrance.
Within 5- 10 minutes walk from the S.Pietro in Vincoli, you will then see the Colosseum! Can't think of anytime that this place is not surrounded by tourists. Even though Colosseum is a well known tourist spot in Rome, I decided not to get in because of the queue and how the Colosseum is less preserved inside ( people can see its condition from the outside).
Within 5- 10 minutes walk from the S.Pietro in Vincoli, you will then see the Colosseum! Can't think of anytime that this place is not surrounded by tourists. Even though Colosseum is a well known tourist spot in Rome, I decided not to get in because of the queue and how the Colosseum is less preserved inside ( people can see its condition from the outside).
On my way to Vittoriano, lots of historical sites are on the side way. Some seats are provided for people who would like to take a rest and/or to admire the magnificent scenery.
On my way to Vittoriano, lots of historical sites are on the side way. Some seats are provided for people who would like to take a rest and/or to admire the magnificent scenery.
在Vittoriano內繞了一圈(免費進場),它是為了記念統一意大利第一位國王Vittoriano Emanuele II 而興建。繼續於大道上走,到了Via del Corso街便走到了許願池 - Fontana di Trevi。
Vittoriano (free entry) was built as a monument for the King Vittoriano Emanuele II, who is the first king to unify Italy. I continued walking on the main street, when I reached Via del Corso, there is the famous Fountain - Fontana di Trevi.
Vittoriano (free entry) was built as a monument for the King Vittoriano Emanuele II, who is the first king to unify Italy. I continued walking on the main street, when I reached Via del Corso, there is the famous Fountain - Fontana di Trevi.
其實羅馬市中心內有大大少少的噴水池,這個特別有名是因為在戲- Three coins in a fountain 中出現過,而且說背向水池然後從右手向左膊拋錢幣許願便能再次到訪羅馬。也是因為這樣,池中的錢幣會定時給收集,然後用作維修市中心的收入,可能看到了這個商機,有不少路宿者會在晚上到許願池打撈錢幣(有人是一年打撈了高達2萬歐),最後給政府發現然後要他們交出。不知道是不是發生這樣的事情,當天沒有看到池中有錢幣,也沒有看到人拋錢幣入許願池。
Rome is a city that is full of fountans and this - Fontana di Trevi is especially famous, as the movie Three coins in a fountain was taken place here.A saying of holding the coins on right hand, and tried to throw it across the left shoulder without facing the fountain means that person can revisit Rome. Money from the fountain will then be collected and use it as maintenance/ sustain the expenses of the city. Some people, on the other hand, would collect money from the fountain for personal use. As the action is illegal, which they would need to hand over all the money that they took.
Rome is a city that is full of fountans and this - Fontana di Trevi is especially famous, as the movie Three coins in a fountain was taken place here.A saying of holding the coins on right hand, and tried to throw it across the left shoulder without facing the fountain means that person can revisit Rome. Money from the fountain will then be collected and use it as maintenance/ sustain the expenses of the city. Some people, on the other hand, would collect money from the fountain for personal use. As the action is illegal, which they would need to hand over all the money that they took.
下一個來到的是Pantheon ,免費進場,只是在排隊的時候會有人走過來跟你要錢、買東西等等。這個是以前的神殿,所以規模非常豪大。這座神殿的有趣之處是圓拱形的頂是中空,所以下雨的時候雨是會下到神殿內,建造的時候,地上鑽了22個小孔方便排水。
Pantheon ( free entry) is a very spectacular building which really worth a visit. Interesting thing about it is that the dome is hollow, which water is getting in when it is raining. In order not to flood the place, they drill 22 small holes on the floor for draining.
Pantheon ( free entry) is a very spectacular building which really worth a visit. Interesting thing about it is that the dome is hollow, which water is getting in when it is raining. In order not to flood the place, they drill 22 small holes on the floor for draining.
Heading to Piazza Navona for lunch! This plaza consists of 3 fountains and acts as a resting place for people who live nearby in the olden days. Now, it is one of the famous spots among tourists, even though it was in Easter holiday, shops and restaurants were all opened. I tried pizza (first time in Ital!) in one if the restaurants, not bad and good value of the price.
Heading to Piazza Navona for lunch! This plaza consists of 3 fountains and acts as a resting place for people who live nearby in the olden days. Now, it is one of the famous spots among tourists, even though it was in Easter holiday, shops and restaurants were all opened. I tried pizza (first time in Ital!) in one if the restaurants, not bad and good value of the price.
下一站來到Piazza del Popolo,是一個很大的廣場,連接羅馬市中心的正條大道,而作為交叉點,看點是這兩幢有倒影(mirror image)的兩座教堂( Santa Maria in Montesanto & Santa Maria dei Miracoli),略略一看好像真的是一模一樣,但細心留意其實它們家的鐘樓,圓拱頂都有分別。
Next stop: Piazza del Popolo. This is a very huge plaza that connects few main streets in centre of Rome. This plaza is a best spots for looking at the mirror image of 2 churches ( Santa Maria in Montesanto & Santa Maria dei Miracoli), it might look identical in a glimpse, but not truly identical when you look it up closely.
Next stop: Piazza del Popolo. This is a very huge plaza that connects few main streets in centre of Rome. This plaza is a best spots for looking at the mirror image of 2 churches ( Santa Maria in Montesanto & Santa Maria dei Miracoli), it might look identical in a glimpse, but not truly identical when you look it up closely.
從這裡往Via del Babuino 走便是很多遊客的熱愛點- 西班牙階梯Spanish steps,包圍著這個階梯的都是名店,雖然當天是假日及星期天,但還是有店開門做生意,所以想要購物的大家不用擔心!西班牙階梯不論是什麼時候人都好多,多到坐在階梯上到幾乎看不到階梯!最後因為附近的地鐵站在維修,所以只好從西班牙階梯走回羅馬車站,簡單吃了晚餐,結束了一天的行程。
Walking from the Plaza to the road Via del Babuino would reach another famous tourist spot - Spanish steps. This place is surrounded by luxury brands and shops. Although it was on Sunday and in Easter holiday, shops were still open. Spanish steps was packed with tourists, hardly can see the steps!
Walking from the Plaza to the road Via del Babuino would reach another famous tourist spot - Spanish steps. This place is surrounded by luxury brands and shops. Although it was on Sunday and in Easter holiday, shops were still open. Spanish steps was packed with tourists, hardly can see the steps!
最後一天基本都是在車站內逛,然後搭火車出發到機場。這樣基本上就是4天3夜的南意之旅,雖然吃了那麼多天的澱粉,但還是在機場點了意粉(吃起來就像廣東菜的龍蝦伊麵)來結束人生第一次踏足意大利南部的旅程。總括來說,羅馬的藝術跟法國、英國完全不一樣,細緻中帶點豪邁,藝術家的個人情感及想法都可以在作品上看到。在法國看到的展品都會帶些精緻及有及於強迫症的美感準則。令我最懷念的是拿坡里的風景,很純粹南部意大利風情的景像及環境,在電影裡看到的跟真實沒太大的差別。唯一遺憾的是沒有去拿坡里的海灣,在坐鐵道到龐貝城是從遠處看到閃閃發光的海灣,配上周邊意大利風格的建築物,整個畫面都是美好,難怪在拿坡里有句話是"See Naples and Die" (死而無憾了)。
The trip to Italy was really nice, tried different authentic Italian food and visited lots of spectacular historic sites. I think what I have really missed visiting was Naples' seaside, I had a glimpse on the view while I was travelling on the train to Pompeii, the view is exactly what I saw on the Italian movie - the water sparkles when the sunshine hit on the surface, area surrounded by traditional Italian style buildings, no wonder there is a saying " See Naples and Die" as that's how gorgeous the view can be.
The trip to Italy was really nice, tried different authentic Italian food and visited lots of spectacular historic sites. I think what I have really missed visiting was Naples' seaside, I had a glimpse on the view while I was travelling on the train to Pompeii, the view is exactly what I saw on the Italian movie - the water sparkles when the sunshine hit on the surface, area surrounded by traditional Italian style buildings, no wonder there is a saying " See Naples and Die" as that's how gorgeous the view can be.