[旅遊] 2019 <南方太陽> 意大利南部 4 天3夜 行程:梵蒂岡 Trip to Vatican (II)
第二天:留宿的地方叫B&B Anne's Family Terrance ,所以就嘗了一個道地的拿坡里早餐(全部都是自家製)。最令我印象深刻的是被host 推薦的”Dolce Napolitano” -Babá。一咬下去(!)滿口的rum!好high 喔拿坡里人,一大早就那樣的刺激了(笑)。幸好沒有吃很多。吃完便趕到車站乘火車到羅馬了!
Day 2: I stayed at B&B Anne's Family Terrance in Naples, which they offered home made breakfast. The most unforgettable thing I have tried that morning was a dessert highly recommended by the host - Babá. Basically, Babá is a pastry that SOAKED with RUM! I couldn't believe they have such thing in the early morning.
這次先上網預訂車票,到了車站找月台,然後登車,找位置,出發!車程約80分鐘,非常快。不知道是不是購買了super economy,上車不久就有welcome snack 跟一瓶水。到了羅馬車站,便快速的check-in。
Later, I rushed to the Naples Central train station, and took the train to Rome. I booked the ticket online and I was able to get a seat at super economy in a cheap price. The ticket included a welcome drink and snack.
(羅馬車站 )
Day 2: I stayed at B&B Anne's Family Terrance in Naples, which they offered home made breakfast. The most unforgettable thing I have tried that morning was a dessert highly recommended by the host - Babá. Basically, Babá is a pastry that SOAKED with RUM! I couldn't believe they have such thing in the early morning.
這次先上網預訂車票,到了車站找月台,然後登車,找位置,出發!車程約80分鐘,非常快。不知道是不是購買了super economy,上車不久就有welcome snack 跟一瓶水。到了羅馬車站,便快速的check-in。
Later, I rushed to the Naples Central train station, and took the train to Rome. I booked the ticket online and I was able to get a seat at super economy in a cheap price. The ticket included a welcome drink and snack.
這次選了一家apartment 的住處,自己有一家獨立房間,廁所就是跟另外一房人share,另外也有廚房可以煮食。羅馬車站內有兩家超市,所以喜歡煮食或是省錢的朋友可以到那邊買,它們營業到很晚,所以不怕買不到東西。
In Rome, I booked an apartment through hotel.com. A single room with a shared bathroom and kitchen. Rome terminal has 2 supermarkets with long opening hours, which is convenient for tourists.
放下行李便到車站坐紅色線metro 到梵蒂岡(Ottaviano),出站了根本不用怕迷路,因為大家都是朝往聖彼得廣場方向走。
After checking in, I took the metro (red line) and headed to Vatican. The closest station is Ottaviano, and you can basically follow the flow after getting out from the station, as everyone was walking to the Saint Peter's Square.
I arrived Saint Peter's Square the day before Easter, cameras and seats were all set up for the Mass.
然後便在附近找餐廳吃飯,在博物館附近的餐廳蠻多都提供了套餐,差不多10歐包了一個pasta + full size 礦泉水。最後選了這家(因為沒有那些走出來招客的人,而且餐廳人也沒有很多)。吃起來味道不錯,麵條是Al dente 的,服務也很舒服。
Restaurants nearby offer set menus, A 10- Euro lunch set includes a pasta and a bottle of water.
(博物館入口 )
I booked my ticket to Vatican Museum prior as I heard there was always a line at the ticket office. Some people were trying to sell tickets on my way to Vatican Museum, not sure how authentic and expensive those tickets were.
(換實票 )
Even though I booked my entry at 14:00 but I was able to get in around 13:30. I had to go through the security and exchanged my electronic ticket into paper ticket before entering.
The route in the museum is very straightforward.
而出名的Sistine Chapel 就是在路線的中段,是一定會經過的。除了一定要看有名的Michelangelo 米開朗基羅的創世記,其實有幾個館也非常值得一看,有別於法國及英國博物館的收藏。
Sistine Chapel is in the middle of the route, which every tourist would get pass anyway. Besides the Genesis that drew by Michelangelo in Sistine Chapel, there are few museums that worth a visit as well.
第一個令我大開眼界的是航海圖館,館內總共有36 幅不同年代的航海地圖。當年教宗Gregory XIII邀請了一班團隊( 修道士+地理學家 Ignazio Danti ),然後根據意大利的地勢及畫出非常細緻的地圖,以當年來說工程是非常浩大,也為當年的地理規劃邁出了一大步。
The Gallery of Maps is an eye opener for me, I have never seen something like this in other museums. Total of 36 maps were displayed in the gallery, which Pope Gregory XIII invited a team ( friars and geographer Ignazio Danti) for drawing these detailed maps of Italy back in the days.
Restaurants nearby offer set menus, A 10- Euro lunch set includes a pasta and a bottle of water.
I booked my ticket to Vatican Museum prior as I heard there was always a line at the ticket office. Some people were trying to sell tickets on my way to Vatican Museum, not sure how authentic and expensive those tickets were.
Even though I booked my entry at 14:00 but I was able to get in around 13:30. I had to go through the security and exchanged my electronic ticket into paper ticket before entering.
The route in the museum is very straightforward.
而出名的Sistine Chapel 就是在路線的中段,是一定會經過的。除了一定要看有名的Michelangelo 米開朗基羅的創世記,其實有幾個館也非常值得一看,有別於法國及英國博物館的收藏。
Sistine Chapel is in the middle of the route, which every tourist would get pass anyway. Besides the Genesis that drew by Michelangelo in Sistine Chapel, there are few museums that worth a visit as well.
第一個令我大開眼界的是航海圖館,館內總共有36 幅不同年代的航海地圖。當年教宗Gregory XIII邀請了一班團隊( 修道士+地理學家 Ignazio Danti ),然後根據意大利的地勢及畫出非常細緻的地圖,以當年來說工程是非常浩大,也為當年的地理規劃邁出了一大步。
The Gallery of Maps is an eye opener for me, I have never seen something like this in other museums. Total of 36 maps were displayed in the gallery, which Pope Gregory XIII invited a team ( friars and geographer Ignazio Danti) for drawing these detailed maps of Italy back in the days.
Raffel room would be another place that worth a visit. The room is named after Stanze di Raffaello. The famous painting " The school of Athens" is in this room, all the characters on the painting are well known, such as Socratic and Plato.
Raffel room would be another place that worth a visit. The room is named after Stanze di Raffaello. The famous painting " The school of Athens" is in this room, all the characters on the painting are well known, such as Socratic and Plato.
Of course, the peak of the visit should be the Genesis at the Sistine Chapel. Unfortunately photos and videos were not allowed in the chapel, and absolute silence was required. The painting is really high up and smaller than I expected. Thinking Michelangelo had spent 4 years in the chapel to finish all the paintings in details was breathtaking. If you were a person that enjoy spending time in museum, highly recommend you to visit the Vatican Museum.
Of course, the peak of the visit should be the Genesis at the Sistine Chapel. Unfortunately photos and videos were not allowed in the chapel, and absolute silence was required. The painting is really high up and smaller than I expected. Thinking Michelangelo had spent 4 years in the chapel to finish all the paintings in details was breathtaking. If you were a person that enjoy spending time in museum, highly recommend you to visit the Vatican Museum.