[保養SKINCARE] THREE: Balancing Cleansing Oil 平衡潔膚油

From my previous trip to Tokyo, Japan at Narita Airport, I purchased the trail kit from the THREE counter, which includes a full size cleansing oil, 3 facial sheet masks and a small bottle of cleansing foam.

剛剛從日本旅行回來了! 在成田機場的免稅商店不小心手滑了THREE的套裝。裡面包括了一支正貨size的平衡潔膚油、三塊面膜(balancing lotion mask) 及一支迷你size 的洗臉乳。


This is my second bottle of the cleansing oil from THREE. THREE is a Japanese brand that products mainly consist of natural ingredients, which is a bonus. 



The cleansing oil has always been their No. 1 item on their rack and I would always want to try out this product during my previous trip to Japan. During my first purchase on the cleansing oil, together I also purchased their cleansing foam recommended by the staff since I worried the oil could not take off all my makeup. The staff reminded me to have 2 to 3 pumps of products and gently massage the oil on the face. I would also massage the oil around my eye area for taking off my eye makeup and it can take off most of my makeup. Normally I would massage this oil on my face for at least a minute as the oil has exfoliate properties which I can feel some of my dead skin on my forehead and chin area were taken off while I massage.

平衡潔膚油一直都是它家的皇牌產品之一,之前一直都很想到日本旅遊時入手這件產品。第一次購買時,因為擔心潔膚油未能把妝卸乾淨,櫃姐推薦我於卸妝後用洗臉乳作兩度清潔,確保沒有污垢殘留於臉上。所以同時我也買了它的洗臉乳。櫃姐提醒我說每一次卸妝,一定要按兩到三下,不能省,不然會把臉卸不乾淨而且在按摩時把臉拉到,對皮膚不好。每次使用時,我會把油在手心推開,然後蓋到眼簾上,停十秒左右,然後再輕輕的用手指頭在眼周打圈 (注意不要張開眼,因為油進到眼睛裡也會有一丁點刺痛)。最後,我會把油在臉上按摩一分鐘左右,這個時候會感覺到臉上的一些已硬化的角質給推出來 (超級喜歡這特性,因為不需要另外使用去角質的產品,洗完臉後摸上去也會很滑)。


After massage, I will wash my face simply using tap water and this cleansing oil will emulsify and easily wash off without feeling any greasiness left on the skin. Afterwards, I would use any facial cleanser on my counter to have my second cleanse in order to make sure no make-up residue sit on the skin.



As 2 to 3 pumps are needed for each use, you may probably finish the whole bottle in 1.5 to 2 months if you use it daily. The short usage time can make sure the products are fresh, especially the contents are mainly made in natural ingredients. Will definitely re-purchase this product when I have a chance to visit Japan again and hope to try out their other skincare products as well.




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