[用後感 REVIEW] 法國開架式護膚品 - 敏感肌膚品牌 La Roche Posay 理膚保水
在法國巴黎旅遊,去了當地的藥妝店購買了法國本土的護膚產品,而且真的便宜很多,所以不小心手滑了,買了不少東西回來。這次想集中說La Roche Posay。這次總共買了它家3件適用於敏感肌使用的產品。可能天氣加上睡眠品質不佳,肌膚變得很乾而且不停的冒痘痘,臉部變得超敏感的。剛好在巴黎藥妝店看到這個品牌,想起了很多人大讚這品牌的東西,所以自己也買了試一下。
During my short trip in Paris, I shopped some French skincare products because of their cheaper price tag.The brand that going to talk about is La Roche Posay, I purchased 3 items that suitable/safe for sensitive skin. My skin has been in the driest state that I have even been, plus, I have pimples popping up non-stop around my chin area, my skin became very sensitive. While I was browsing around in the drug store, I remember how people recommended products from this brand, so I got few popular items for sensitive/blemish prone skin.
~(The texture of the mask)~
~(spread out the mask)~
~(After 15 minutes)~
~(Washed off the product)~
第一款買的是這個長效修護面膜﹙50ml;約11歐﹚。最近喜歡使用塗抹式面膜,分量多少都可以自己控制。面膜擠出來是淡淡的藍色,有它家特有的香味。每次使用大概兩至三顆藍莓大的份量,敷個大概15 分鐘,面膜都差不多給皮膚吸收掉了。敷完面膜後,覺得臉部水份提升了不少,看起來皮膚都變細緻很多。最重要是它的價錢很平民,不用為錢包心疼。
The first product I picked up is the Hydraphase Intense Masque (50ml; around 11 Euros), which is a hydration mask. I start falling in love using gel/cream mask instead of sheet mask because I can control how thick/thin the product applied on face. The mask has a slightly blue colour and has a signature scent of this brand. Generally, I applied 2- 3 blueberry sizes amount of product on my face and leave it for around 15 minutes. After waiting, the product would mostly be absorbed by the skin. After washing off the mask, I would feel my skin is plumped and hydrated, my skin looks more refined. PLUS : This product has a reasonable price tag, won’t have much pressure on repurchasing it in the future.
第二款購入的是它的Effaclar duo[+] 雙效角質調理精華﹙40ml;約12歐﹚。這條精華是上網爬文看見不少人說它減退臉部粉刺,清理臉部阻塞的毛孔。看到價錢合理所以就買來一試。它的質地非常容易給皮膚吸收。擠出來是有一陣它家獨特的香味,質地清爽。這枝非常推給:
~(The texture of the serum)~
~(After blending)~
~﹙After the product has been absorbed﹚~
產品裡含有水楊酸,能夠廢除皮的舊角質,同時也不會刺激皮膚。它在控制冒痘或粉刺功效上還好不錯。我每天早、晚各塗個一次,連續用個3到4 天效果就出了,皮膚摸上去較平滑。連續使用一星期後開始隔天使用,也沒有反彈冒痘。唯一美中不足的是它只對我臉上的小痘和粉刺才有效。對於我臉上的大•紅•痘是完全沒效。
~(The texture of the serum)~
~(After blending)~
~﹙After the product has been absorbed﹚~
產品裡含有水楊酸,能夠廢除皮的舊角質,同時也不會刺激皮膚。它在控制冒痘或粉刺功效上還好不錯。我每天早、晚各塗個一次,連續用個3到4 天效果就出了,皮膚摸上去較平滑。連續使用一星期後開始隔天使用,也沒有反彈冒痘。唯一美中不足的是它只對我臉上的小痘和粉刺才有效。對於我臉上的大•紅•痘是完全沒效。
The second item I got is the Effaclar duo [+] (40ml; around 12 Euros). This product is a serum that can unclog pores and to reduce pimples formation. The product is in a gel texture which is easily absorbed by the skin and has a similar scent as the hydration mask that mentioned previously. This item is highly recommended to :
(1) oily/combination skin type (people who have dry skin may need extra moisture afterwards)
(2) live in a hot, humid weather countries ; or
(3) simply to those who want a serum that can be easily absorbed .
The product contains salicylic acid, which can exfoliate the unwanted dead skin cells without irritate the skin. I think this product works quite decent on reducing pimples/ acne. I first apply the product day and night during my skin care routine, I can see the product is working on my skin after applying consecutively for 3 to 4 days, my skin felt smoother and clearer. After using it for a week, I use it every other day and I see no rebound of my pimples/acne. The only down side I have with this product is that it only works on the small pimple/acne and not on the red, big bumps on my face.
~(The texture of the cream)~
~(After blending)~
~﹙After the product has been absorbed﹚~
第三款我購入的是它家的面霜:Cicaplast Baume B5 Multi-Purpose Soothing Repairing Balm 全面修護霜(40ml;購入價差不多5歐)。這款是看中了它含有維生素原B5,以及積雪草苷,可以修復及對抗傷口發炎、抗菌。因為個人很喜歡摳臉,特別對於已結疤的大紅痘,所以傷口久久的不癒合。這枝擠出來沒有什麼味道,質地跟一般的面霜差不多。推開的時候才覺得質地效厚重,需要一點時間吸收。皮膚吸收後也不會留下油油的感覺。對於我臉上因為摳出來的傷口絕對有修護效果,隔天醒來傷口都癒合了。面霜塗上傷口時不會有刺痛感。連續使用幾天,臉上痘痘都差不多全好了。另外這條面霜的保濕能力非常好,超級乾肌的人或是在秋冬的時候﹙住在亞熱帶的朋友﹚感受到它的好。這是一枝修護為主的面霜,用下來不覺得它有減退傷口帶來的色素,所以要去除色素還是要用美白的東西喔。
The third item I got is a face cream /moisturizer : Cicaplast Baume B5 Multi-Purpose Soothing Repairing Balm (40ml; around 5 Euros). The first thing that catch my eyes is the ingredient list, which this contains Panthenol and Madecassoside, the good stuff that can repair, heal and fight off the bacteria in the wound. I have the bad habit of picking my face frequently, so the wound from the pimple could not be healed probably. The product does not have much scent in my opinion and when I squeeze the cream out, it looks like other normal night cream. When you spread the products out, I found the texture of it is a little bit thick but definitely easily absorbed by skin and without leaving greasiness on my face. The product definitely had healed my wound which I found my wounds were healed decently when I woke up the next day. The other benefit of this cream is that it moisturizes my skin, people who have dry skin or in the dryer and colder weather (esp to those who live in the humid countries) would love this a lot. This cream did a great job on healing and calm my skin, it did not reduce the pigmentation that the wound gave me, so whitening products are needed in this case.
The positive effect that these 3 products gave me have made me wanting to try more products from the brand. If you are now walking around in the drugstore/highstreets/pharmacy, and looking to have some new skin care items to refresh your skincare collection, highly recommended to check out this brand 😉