[用後感 REVIEW] Omorovicza︰Thermal cleansing balm ﹙溫泉礦物潔面膏﹚ & Deep cleansing mask﹙深層潔淨面膜﹚
while back ago, I was cleaning up my drawer and pack things that were unused or
no longer needed, I tried to give out those things to my friends or sell it if possible. And
at the deep corner of the drawer, I found a value set from Omorovicza that I
bought ...like a year ago? The set contains a Thermal cleansing balm (50ml) and a
Deep cleansing mask (50ml). I remember I bought this set was
because I was looking for an alternative facial cleanser to the Eve Lom cleansing balm and this
value set was a good chance for me to investigate more on cleansing balm.
較早前把心一橫打算把家裡不用的東西收拾出來,轉贈朋友或是拿去賣掉。然後在櫃子的深深處讓我找到了之前購買下來的Omorovicza 的套裝(現在應該沒有在賣了)套裝包括兩罐東西:溫泉礦物潔面膏 thermal cleansing balm 50ml 及 深層潔淨面膜Deep cleansing mask 50ml。之前購買都是因為那時候剛迷上了Eve Lom 的潔淨霜,所以打算購入別的牌子來試一下。
The cleansing balm comes with a small cotton pad ( I forget where I put it...) that in a pouch form and a spatula for you to scoop the product out without making your fingers dirty. This product is similar to the Eve Lom cleansing balm -- able to remove make-up and cleanse the face in one go. You simply apply the product and spread the products directly on the face dry. I feel less products are required for the Omorovicza on each use compare to the Eve Lom, which save me some money on it.
潔面膏很貼心的隨盒附送一塊棉巾小袋﹙我忘了放到那裡去…﹚及一支小湯匙,方便用家把潔面膏挖出來同時不弄髒手指頭。潔面膏跟Eve Lom 那罐功用及用法都差不多,產品是可以拿來卸妝+洗臉,使用時以乾手乾臉的狀態推開產品。產品所需要的量跟Eve Lom 那罐比起來的少,用量非常省。
~﹙Blending 推開﹚~
~﹙Massage the cleansing balm for few minutes﹚~
~﹙Rinse off the product with water﹚~
For the Omorovicza cleansing balm, you would notice it contains some small black participles. According to their ingredient list, I think the black particles are from the Hungarian Moor mud, which claims it is efficient to clean up the grime inside the pores. The cleansing balm also comes with sweet almond oil which allow the product easily spread on the skin and massage it on the face. The oil also keeps the moisture of my face so my face won’t feel dry after use. This cleanser has a strong smell of mineral, which is pleasant in my opinion. The small particles from the Omorovicza cleansing balm is different from the Eve Lom, which does not dissolve while spreading out the product, so the particles can exfoliate your skin while you massage the product on the face. Its balm texture would not turn to oil unless you start to massage it on the face, unlike the Eve Lom cleansing bottle I had, the product has already been melted down during my first use, so I have to store it into a plastic bag during travel to avoid the product leaking all over my bag. Omorovicza cleansing balm comes with a cotton pouch that is for you to stick your fingers into the pouch and cleanse the face (and acts as an extra exfoliate function of course). I tried multiple ways to wipe off the cleansing balm (with or without the cotton pad), I personally like rising off the product using tap water and then take a shower, allowing the steam to soften the skin. Then, I will rinse my face with warm water and pad dry my face with a towel. Because my skin condition has been so bad lately --switching from combination to dry skin type, plus serious redness appear on my cheek, so I limited myself on exfoliating my skin, even wiping off the face with towel.
產品推開後很明顯的看到有黑色的顆粒,查看成分表猜想顆粒是來至匈牙利的沼澤泥(Hungarian Moor mud),據說能清潔毛孔裡的髒東西,防止毛孔堵塞。另外潔面膏有豐富的甜杏仁油,所以能很容易推開潔面膏,並足夠潤滑的給我按摩一下臉部。用水清洗後,甜杏仁油同時提供足夠的滋澤,不會使皮膚清洗後感到緊繃。潔面膏有一陣很濃烈的礦物質的味道,是香的那種。個人認為是非常好聞。但顆粒方面就不像Eve Lom 般,一邊推開一邊化掉,但由於顆粒很微小的關係,有輕微去角質的功效。潔面膏的質地就是膏狀,直到推開才會溶化掉,反而我之前用Eve Lom 那罐,可能因為四周環境溫度變化的關係,開的時候內容都已經有丁點化掉,用到最後就基本上半化掉的狀態,帶它出外旅遊要先放進塑膠袋內包好,以免變成油狀的潔面霜流到四處都是。Omorovicza 這罐潔面膏內包括一塊像袋子的棉巾,目的是讓你把手指頭放進去棉巾袋子,然後清潔面部。我嘗試過不同方法,個人最喜歡不用任何棉巾或瑪姿琳布﹙Muslin cloth),只以常溫水洗淨,然後入浴,讓蒸氣軟化皮膚,最後撥兩下溫水到臉上並擦乾。當使用棉巾清潔臉部,不多不少都是有去角質的效果,但鑑於最近自己皮膚處於嚴重泛紅並從混合肌變成乾肌的狀態,這個方法我還是避免好了。
~﹙Spread the mask using finger﹚~
~﹙After 20 minutes﹚~
~﹙Rinse off the product with water﹚~
The deep cleansing mask is a mud mask with a wonderful scent,
which does not have the pungent smell like other mud masks have. At first, I
thought this mud mask would be hard to apply like other mud masks that I used
before, surprisingly, this mud mask spread smoothly on the skin and would
not dry out quickly. I would use a spatula to scoop out the product from the
jar and apply it on the face, I then smooth out the products using fingers
trying to achieve a more even application. Same as the cleansing balm, small
black particles can be found inside the product. I would leave this mask on my
face for around 10 – 20 minutes, you may feel a slightly tingling feeling when
the mud mask drying out. The mask can be easily washed off even though it has
been dried out. The skin felt quite soft afterwards, I noticed my pores size
got slightly smaller. I found this mud mask has a similar feature with the
Glamglow super-clearing mud (the one in white bottle), just the texture from
the glamglow one is dryer than the Omorovicza’s.
Side note: I suggest using the glamglow for spot treatment, such
as dotting the mask on new pimples, and the pimples would be reduced mostly by the
next day.
深層潔淨面膜是一款泥狀面膜,味道很好聞,沒有其他泥狀面膜那種很嗆的味道。一開始以為它是泥狀面膜,推開會有難度,但出乎意料之外,它是十分好推開,而且不會很快乾掉。通常我會以膠刮棒把面膜塗到臉上,然後以手指頭把面膜塗開,盡量將面膜均勻塗抹。跟潔面膏一樣,面膜內含一些黑色顆粒。這罐泥狀面膜在臉上敷大概10 到20 分鐘,它會慢慢變乾,變乾時會感到一點點刺痛感(我猜這是證明它在運作吧)當面膜變乾後就可以把它洗掉。雖然它已經乾掉,但是把水沾上,面膜非常容易洗掉。洗掉臉很柔軟,面頰上的毛孔肉眼上看起來有一眯眯變小(是心理作用吧⋯)。這罐我覺得
跟glamglow 那罐白色泥狀面膜很相似,但沒有它那麼快乾。
提外話:Glamglow 那罐來作重點治癒很好(比喻只上到痘痘剛冒出的地方),隔天起床已消了很多。
提外話:Glamglow 那罐來作重點治癒很好(比喻只上到痘痘剛冒出的地方),隔天起床已消了很多。
Both Omorovicza cleansing balm and deep cleansing mask did not
give me any irritation in the past few weeks even though my skin was in
its worse condition ever, personally think the products can be used on
sensitive skin with no trouble at all.
Anyway, I am trying very hard to finish all the products that I
stored up and hoping I can finish them as soon as possible so that I can add
new products into my collection. :)