(Sfogliatella - 拿坡里傳統甜點 ) ( Bab á ) 第二天: 留宿的地方叫 B&B Anne's Family Terrance ,所以就嘗了一個道地的拿坡里早餐 (全部都是自家製) 。最令我印象深刻的是被 host 推薦的 ” Dolce Napolitano ” -Bab á 。一咬下去(!)滿口的 rum !好 high 喔拿坡里人,一大早就那樣的刺激了(笑)。幸好沒有吃很多。吃完便趕到車站乘火車到羅馬了! Day 2: I stayed at B&B Anne's Family Terrance in Naples, which they offered home made breakfast. The most unforgettable thing I have tried that morning was a dessert highly recommended by the host - Bab á. Basically, Bab á is a pastry that SOAKED with RUM! I couldn't believe they have such thing in the early morning. ~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧ 這次先上網預訂車票,到了車站找月台,然後登車,找位置,出發!車程約 80 分鐘,非常快。不知道是不是購買了 super economy ,上車不久就有 welcome snack 跟一瓶水。到了羅馬車站,便快速的 check-in 。 Later, I rushed to the Naples Central train station, and took the train to Rome. I booked the ticket online and I was able to get a seat at super economy in a cheap price. T...