[旅遊] 2019 <走出過去> 波蘭之旅4日3夜 - 克拉科夫 Trip to Kraków ﹙II﹚
第二天:一大早起床便趕去火車站去Kraków作一天遊。票可於網上先訂或是在站內跟職員購票。火車有分快、慢兩種,當然時間跟票價有差。最後選了IC快車由華沙市中心到Kraów Glówny 站,車程約2.5小時,票價為單程150PLN。車票都是波蘭文,所以看不太懂,售票員很細心的把重點畫起來 - 車箱卡位以及座位號碼。
Day 2: Started my journey in an early morning for a day trip to Kraków. The ticket can be purchased online ( they have early bird discount) and/ or get it from the ticket counter at the train station. Ticket price varies depending on the type of train you choose. I choose the IC train ( faster one - 2.5 hours) from Warsaw to Kraków which costs 150 PLN each journey. Details of the tickets were printed in Polish and the counter lady kindly highlighted the main points ( Carriage and seat number) for my reference.
I noticed they have "sector" on the platform, which there may have a chance that one platform stopped multiple trains.
If you would like to know which sector your train is on, you can check the details on the computer screen that located on the platform. If you still worry about getting on the wrong train, please double check the information that shown on the screen.
All seats are reserved and welcome drink was offered.
Upon arrival, I went to the tourist information centre int he station for a free map, walking from the station to the Old town of Kraków took around 10 minutes of walking, you can find the signs while passing through the shopping mall that connected next to the train station.
Kraków Old Town is obviously bigger than Warsaw's one in terms of its size, more shops are available in the square and it was full of tourists.
St.Mary's Church - 普通門票是10PLN,如要登頂的是15PLN。這裡主要是看中世紀時期的雕像,大多都是橡樹為原材料。
St.Mary's Church - Entry ticket 10 PLN, 15PLN if you wanted to visit the tower. The Church full of wood sculptures with detailed craftsmanship.
因為此教堂是信奉聖母,所以看到的雕像或畫像的故事都是以聖母為主。去的時候聖壇正在維修保養中,所以有一部分物件看不到。但大部分的建置及物件都已經經過翻新及維修,所以看起來很新。另外教堂內也有錄影播放維修的步驟,翻新前、後的對比。(裡面大部分應用的是Laser technique 雷射方式,小面積的把原有的顏色鎖住(龐貝城也是利用這樣的方式作修護),這樣需時很久,但是目前能夠有效地保存原有顏色的方法。
Sculptures and paintings about Saint Mary majorly displayed in the Church. Certain sculptures were under construction during my visit. Majority of the items underwent cleaning and renovation. Videos about the steps, comparison before and after renovation were played inside the Church. Most of the items were renovated using the latest technique - Laser technique, which the same technique is used in the Pompei site. It takes a very long time for the professionals to use such technique to preserve the items as they have to do it in small patches.
Sculptures and paintings about Saint Mary majorly displayed in the Church. Certain sculptures were under construction during my visit. Majority of the items underwent cleaning and renovation. Videos about the steps, comparison before and after renovation were played inside the Church. Most of the items were renovated using the latest technique - Laser technique, which the same technique is used in the Pompei site. It takes a very long time for the professionals to use such technique to preserve the items as they have to do it in small patches.
Cloth Market:顧名思義就是用在買賣衣物的地方。現在它的店都是在售賣伴手禮、瑪瑙製品等等。牆上也有簡單的介紹瑪瑙的來源及展示不同地方標誌。
Cloth Market:People buy and sell clothes in the ancient times. Now you can find all the souvenirs that represent Kraków or Poland in general.
Cloth Market:People buy and sell clothes in the ancient times. Now you can find all the souvenirs that represent Kraków or Poland in general.
Town Hall Tower:前身是政廳塔樓,裡面現在展覽了有關Kraków的歷史。
Town Hall Tower:Is now the remaining part of the Kraków Town Hall Tower, it now becomes a historical museum about the history of Kraków.
Town Hall Tower:Is now the remaining part of the Kraków Town Hall Tower, it now becomes a historical museum about the history of Kraków.
Barbican/St. Florian's Gate:是現存遺址,包括以前的城門、城牆以及外面的護城河,同時也看到有人以古舊打扮示人。
Barbican/St. Florian's Gate:The site of the gate and the moat of the Kraków Old Town, I saw some people dressed up in ancient clothing ( maybe to match the surroundings?)