
目前顯示的是 2017的文章

[開箱文] 2017 歐洲之旅 :聖誕禮物 - Hermes Bolide 31 愛馬仕柏麗包

誰都知道,在歐洲買大品牌的東西都較便宜,畢竟定價較低,而且有退稅的關係,有時候跟在亞洲買東西的差價約打了 7-8 折。所以這次的歐洲之旅出發前已經開始想要買什麼,當作給自己的聖誕禮物。 As most of us know, it is so much cheaper to buy brand items in Europe as they have lower price mark up, especially with tax refund, it is about 20 - 30 % off compare buying the same item in Asia. That’s why I already start thinking what to get in this Europe trip as Christmas present.  

[旅遊] 2017 英國之旅 - 巴斯 兩日一夜之旅

去英國走走,第一時間想到的都是去倫敦呀、劍橋呀、牛津之類的。上網看其他人介紹英國旅遊的地方就看上了巴斯( Bath )。看上的原因是因為可以在那裡泡溫泉(笑),是可以泡幾千年前羅馬人泡的溫泉水喔。所以找了兩天休息的時間乘火車到 Bath 。 ~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧   ~﹙ Roman Bath附近的商店 ﹚~ 其實在英國購買火車票價錢都不太便宜,但勝在時間快捷,而且班次也密集,所以還是狠下心去買火車票。從倫敦出發去 Bath 火車需時大約 1 小時多。在火車月台已經有遊客詢問中心 ( tourist information centre) ,我走進去問了路,也拿到了一本小手冊,裡面也包括巴斯不同的活動、餐廳等等。我下了車,出了車站便立刻走去 Roman bath 看看。 Roman bath 於 6-8 月中會有一個進場晚上時段,於傍晚五時後 Roman bath 會有點火的活動。剛好去的時候是 8 月尾,而且詢問處職員也推薦傍晚 / 晚上參觀,可是票不能先買,要等到 5 點後進場才買到。所以我走去這次出走的目的地: Thermal Spa 。這家店很近 Roman Bath ,走路約數分鐘。到達後看到有不少人排隊購票進場。水療中心依據每人不同的需要及預算提供不同的水療療程。注意的是所有進場的人士必須自備泳衣,不然不能進場。費用已經包括了毛巾及拖鞋,如果沒有帶泳衣(好像我這樣),可以立刻在它的店裡購買,只是衣服款式不多。根據自己的時間,最後選擇了 Cross Bath 。 Cross bath 跟 New Royal Bath 不一樣,是需要提前預約(因為每一段時間只能容納 12 人)。場內每人包括了一個上鎖的寄物櫃,方便放置私人物品。由於場內不能拍照,所以只能靠親身體驗囉。 ~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧   ~﹙ Cross Bath 門外 ﹚~ ~﹙ 收費表 ﹚~ 其實在巴斯的泉水溫度並不太高,約攝氏 40 度左右。加上我那天浸的時候下著雨,而且 Cross bath 是露天的,所以上岸的時候是覺得有點寒。...

[用後感 REVIEW] Sunday Riley Luna Sleeping Night Oil 夜間面部護理油

這枝油已經開了有一段時間,但每次用量很少﹙兩到三滴左右﹚,所以用了大半年(精華 Good Genes 已經用光),這枝油還剩下一半。 I have opened this product in the beginning of this year, as only few drops are needed for each use, I still have half a bottle left after using it for half a year (and my Good Genes serum has already finished). ~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧ 這枝油最令人難忘的是它的顏色,滴上臉是深深的藍色。推開後會好一點,顏色會變淡。這枝油是於使用它家的精華前使用,我嘗試過於精華後塗上臉,是會掉屑屑的,而根據它品牌的使用說明就沒有掉屑的問題。 The signature of this oil is definitely its deep navy blue colour. The colour would “kind of” fade out after blending. This oil should be used before the Good Genes treatment, I tried using the oil after the serum and realized the products would not be absorbed properly, and if I use according to the brand's instruction, products would be absorbed without any problem. ~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧ ~(spread out the product)~ ~﹙推開來的樣子﹚~ 這瓶雖然是油質,但是很容易給皮膚吸收,塗後臉部也不會看起來亮亮的。這油含有 Retinol (維他命 A ),能減退臉部細紋...

[用後感 REVIEW] 防曬產品︰First Aid Beauty/ Giorgio Armani/ Sulwhasoo/ Lancome

「美白就是從防曬開始」,這句話應該不少人都聽過。防曬產品市面上很多,但不是每種都好用。以前都是使用日本的防曬產品,因為產品質地普遍都是輕薄,上皮膚後都不太會有泛白的問題。但自己總是想試新的、別品牌的產品,看看會不會找到更好的產品。 想說一下最近使用的防曬產品,當中有好也有不太適合自己膚質的。 In order to have a nice, healthy skin, people always recommended wear sunscreen daily. There are many products on the market, however, not all of them works on my skin type. I was using sunscreen from the Japan market previously, products are most likely in a thin consistency and would have no issue on white cast. I always have the intention to try something new and see what kind of good products have not yet been discovered. I want to share some of the sunscreen/ products with SPF and my opinion on those products. ~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧

[用後感 REVIEW] 法國開架式護膚品 - 敏感肌膚品牌 La Roche Posay 理膚保水

在法國巴黎旅遊,去了當地的藥妝店購買了法國本土的護膚產品,而且真的便宜很多,所以不小心手滑了,買了不少東西回來。這次想集中說 La Roche Posay 。這次總共買了它家 3 件適用於敏感肌使用的產品。可能天氣加上睡眠品質不佳,肌膚變得很乾而且不停的冒痘痘,臉部變得超敏感的。剛好在巴黎藥妝店看到這個品牌,想起了很多人大讚這品牌的東西,所以自己也買了試一下。 During my short trip in Paris, I shopped some French skincare products because of their cheaper price tag.The brand that going to talk about is La Roche Posay, I purchased 3 items  that suitable/safe for sensitive skin. My skin has been in the driest state that I have even been, plus, I have pimples popping up non-stop around my chin area, my skin became very sensitive. While I was browsing around in the drug store, I remember how people  recommended products from this brand, so I got few popular items for sensitive/blemish prone skin. ~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧

[用後感 REVIEW] Glamglow - Thirstymud hydrating treatment mask 瞬效補水發光面膜

This hydration mask is one of the star products from Glamglow, I got this in a set which includes the facial cleanser from the same line and brush for applying mask. I haven’t tried the facial cleanser yet, would definitely try it after I finish up all my other cleansers.   這罐是 Glamglow 的人氣商品之一,沖著它是為皮膚補水而買的。一齊買的有同系列的洗臉小樣。因為洗臉的東西太多,所以只開了面膜使用。

[用後感 REVIEW] The ordinary - Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 (透明質酸2%+維他命B5) & Lactic acid 5% + HA 2% (乳酸5%+透明質酸2%)

The Ordinary has been mentioned and discussed a lot these days , which people commented that their products are not pricey but effective at the same time, I got 2 products from this brand and have a try. 最近上網看到很多人也有購入這個品牌的東西,因為它家產品的價錢很容易讓人下手,而且它的效果也不錯,所以便入手了兩支來試試看。

[Travel 旅遊] 2017法國巴黎之旅 - 愛馬仕買包之行 Trip to Hermes Paris stores

Talking about shopping in France, most of us would immediately thought of purchasing luxury goods as the initial price point is lower than other countries for sure. For residents that live outside the European countries can also have tax free and of course it attracts more people to shop. 說起法國,說起購物大家都會想到去購買名牌,畢竟它們的價格普遍在歐洲起價都較低,然後歐盟以外的遊客可享受退稅,當然會吸引很多人購物。 ~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧~‧ ~(Hermes Paris Flagship store)~ ~﹙ 法國愛馬仕總店 ﹚~ I always want to have a Hermes cross body bag, of course it would be perfect if I could get the bag in France. I always want to visit the store and ask for the staff's professional opinions on what type of bag (eg. size or colour) that suit me the most. There are three Hermes stores in Paris you can visit. The Flagship store is always suggested for bag hunting as they should have the most stocks among the three. However, the Flagship store has special arrangement for the bag department : you would need to line up at...

[開箱文及用後感 UNBOXING & REVIEW] T3 - Mini miracles : Hair dryer and hair straightener (吹風機 及 直髮器)

I have been using the hair dryer from Panasonic (EH-NA30) in the last 4 years. I got it because of the good review online and feel paying more for the electronic devices is a good investment (if the dyson hair dryer was out in the market, I would have definitely got that). The hair dryer is doing a pretty good job so I have never thought of buying a new one to replace it. Until a year ago, I travelled around a lot and need to use the hair dryer that given by the hotel, after using the hair dryer in the hotel, I always wish my Panasonic hair dryer was able to use internationally. Start from then, I have an urge on having a hair dryer that has international voltage. After a long search online, I decided to get the hair dryer – T3 in America. During my trip to USA last year, I was able to catch the Thanksgiving sale from T3, so I got myself the Mini miracles set, this set includes: a hair dryer (Featherweight compact) and a hair straightener (SinglePass compact). This set comes with ...