[用後感 REVIEW] Omorovicza: (匈牙利皇后醒膚露) Queen of Hungary mist, Miracle facial oil & Rejuvenating night cream

This time I am going to talk about the brand Omorovicza. This is a brand that is founded in Hungury and their products have been included the powerful Hungary's thermal waters which is full of fine minerals and vitamins. Having the products delivered in a system called "Hydro Mineral Transference™" ( which is developed by the brand), products can be easily absorbed by the skin with all the great ingredients.

這次我要介紹的品牌是叫-Omorovicza.這是一個源自匈牙利的品牌,品牌的建立是來自發現溫泉水裡含有豐富的礦物質及維他命,而且對皮膚有重大的好處。另外,此品牌研發了一個系統-" Hydro Mineral Transference™" 這個系統能夠將產品完全讓皮膚吸收,不會浪費珍貴的每一滴。


匈牙利皇后醒膚露(Queen of Hungary Mist)

The most well known and recommended product from the brand is definitely - the "Queen of Hungary Mist"(full size : 100ml). This is a facial toner that is packaged in a glass bottle. It is a mist which you can directly spray the products on your face and use your fingers to pat the products into your skin until all products are absorbed. Toner is an important step on my skin care routine. Toning my skin gives me more hydration than just apply serums and face cream. Nowadays,  different types of toner are available on the market, eg. toners for exfoliating, hydrating and whitening, and my personal concern on choosing a toner is always about hydration..

品牌裡最受人歡迎及介紹的一定是這支-匈牙利皇后醒膚露(Queen of Hungary Mist)。其實它是一支噴霧式的化妝水,拿起來有一定的重量(因為是玻璃瓶),非常的有質感。用的時候直接向著臉噴,然後把化妝水以拍打的方式讓它吸收。在我的護膚程序裡,化妝水是不可缺少的一環,我總是覺得單用精華或是面霜並沒有用化妝水來得保濕。市面上有針對不同皮膚的要求而售賣多種不同類型的化妝水,比喻:去角質、美白、保濕等等。當選擇化妝水,我首要條件一定是-保濕。


Few years back I was so concerned about whitening as I was so worry about the dark spots on my face. However, the longer I use whitening skin care products, I realized that my skin was getting more sensitive and show some redness. As my skin was getting too red and sensitive, I changed for products that are only focused on hydration.



After trying multiple facial toners and by far, the Queen of Hungary Mist does give so much hydration to my skin compare to other brands ( my second favorite would be the fresh-rose water toner). While I apply the product on my face, I would spray around 9-10 times before I pat the product into my skin. When the products are being absorbed, I felt some tingling sensation on the dehydrated area, such as around my nose and my cheek. When I sprayed a second layer on and I felt less tingling, I assume this is a sign of showing that my skin is well hydrated through applying the  toner.

嘗試過大大小小,不同品牌的化妝水,我覺得這支匈牙利皇后醒膚露是最保濕的(第二名我喜歡fresh 家的玫瑰保濕噴霧。)當我用噴霧式的化妝水,我都噴9-10下,確保臉上每一吋都有噴到,然後就用手指頭輕拍臉,直到把化妝水全都給吸收掉。使用這支醒膚露,我特別覺得臉部比較乾的位置(鼻子和臉頰)會有刺刺的感覺。當我再補上第二次,臉上的刺痛感會減少很多,我想這是因為第一增的化妝水已經帶給皮膚滿滿的水分。


Miracle facial oil

In order to lock up the hydration, I would follow my skin care routine using face cream, oils or serums after toning. Before I use the Miracle facial oil, I was using pure Argan oil from an organic brand. The facial oil did help on locking up the hydration that I applied previously, however, I felt that the Argan oil would required some time to get fully absorbed on my face. Being worried about getting blocked pores, I tried searching for another facial oil that can be easily blended and absorbed by my skin. Searching high and low from different skin care counters, I finally want to give my hands on the Miracle facial oil from Omorovicza. The Miracle oil has a thinner yexture which gives a better absorption compare to other facial oils I have tried. Most importantly, this facial oil do not block my pores (fortunately), plus, this oil has a relaxing scent that make me feel that I was having a spa.

完成化妝水的步驟後,我會用精華素/精華油或是面霜作護膚最後的步驟。以前我用過有機的純堅果油作精華油,但我總覺得它太厚重,需要比較長的時間作吸收。因為它厚重的質感,我怕它會塞住臉上的毛孔,然後整臉爆痘。所以我就嘗試去找一些質感比較輕薄的精華油,最後我就選了這一支Omorovicza 的Miracle facial oil, 這支油推開後相對之前我用過的較輕薄,快吸收,也不會令臉上油油的。最重要的是這支油不會令我的臉冒痘痘!(另外,它的香味真的好聞,每次用它都令我很放鬆)


Rejuvenating Night Cream (修護晚霜(?))

For face cream, I am currently using the Rejuvenating Night Cream by the same brand. This cream claimed to plump, hydrate, sooth, restore and firm the skin! ( sound awesome isn't it?) I first tried this cream is from the sample size that was given by SA while I purchased the Hungary Mist. In the beginning, I was not that impressed by its performance as it did not hydrate my skin as I would have expected. I then tried adding few drops of the miracle oils into the night cream and then the results was stunning!  I realized that my skin was so plump and feel super soft when I wash my face on the next morning after the application :) when I looked closely in the mirror, I spotted that my pores were smaller than usual. I was so satisfied and impressed on the effectiveness of the products then I bought the night cream in full size straight away 😂



I truly understand that the brand is so much on the pricey side which is not everyone's cup of tea. On the three products that I have tried from Omorovicza so far, I truly feel that the products do worth every penny I have spent. If you are hesitant on choosing which product to try, I would recommend trying their travel kits in order to test out the products before you go on purchasing the full size product.

這個品牌的價錢真的是比較不便宜,買的時候真的會為錢包心痛😭 試用過它家的三件產品真的讓我覺得我沒有亂花錢。如果想試一下它家的產品,可以留意一下它家的旅行/套裝組合,組合裡通常都包括它家的皇牌產品,而且價錢比較讓人接受(就是比正貨的價錢讓人接受啦)。把產品試過覺得好用,再去買正貨也不晚喔~


For more information, please check their US official web site(美國官網在此):Omorovicza



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