[用後感 REVIEW] FOREO LUNA 2- Sensitive skin (敏感肌)*更新 updates 05/05/2017
Gadgets for face washing have been popular these days. Few weeks ago, I notice a good deal from cult beauty, which they give out a generous goody bag that worth £175 once you have a purchase over £120 (such a good deal, isn't it?). I immediately give my hands on this device- Foreo Luna 2 for sensitive skin.
潔面器好像已經火了一段時間吧,但我沒有想到給自己買一個試一下。畢竟要花一筆錢,而且我怕自己過一陣子就把潔面器放到一邊旁打入冷宮,那不就是浪費錢嗎?在掙扎要不要買的時候就看到英國網站: Cult beauty 在做打折!就是當你購買滿£120後,就會送你一個價值£175的goody bag,包內全都是不同美容品牌的小樣,讓你可以一嘗不同品牌的東西。如果遇到好用的就可以把正貨size 的打包回家!因為遇到這個天大的好處,就不小心把Luna 家的潔面器給買回來了。
I purchased a 2nd generation Luna and in this generation, they came out with 4 different types targeting 4 different skin types (ie. combination, normal, sensitive and oily). Luna 2 comes out with 4 different colours and each colour represents different skin types. I got mine in sensitive skin which is in purple colour.
我購買的是它家出的第二代 - 給敏感肌用的那個。在第二代,它一共出了四種不同型號,針對不同的膚質(混合性肌、正常肌、敏感肌及油性肌),每一款都有利用不同顏色代表。我買的敏感肌是紫色的。
I heard many good reviews online saying this cleansing device cleanses the skin very well as it could cling up the dirt deep down from the skin without pulling your pores. Also, the silicon brush head is very gentle plus you do not have to change the brush head on every consecutive months of use (meaning you can save money on that !).
Thanks to the brush head is made by silicon, it can be dried quickly after each use and the brush head can be easily clean up by soap which you don't have to worry about the brush head keeping the bacteria or mold. Although the company claimed that the brush head do not keep bacteria or get mold, I found few of my fine hairs (eg. eye brow hair) stuck into the brush heads and I need to carefully take out the fine hairs to avoid breaking the silicon brush heads.
市面上的潔面器普遍都要每幾個月換一次,避免刷頭內藏的髒東西帶到臉上。而因為這個Luna 2 的刷頭是矽的材質,很快就乾,所以就不用怕刷頭內藏的髒東西或是發霉了。如果你想確保刷頭是乾淨的,你可以每次用完後用溫水跟肥皂輕輕的清潔一下就好了。雖然說明書上寫它的刷頭不會藏髒東西或發霉,但我用的時候發現有幾條很細的眉毛掉在刷頭裡,因為它的刷頭很密,我費了一些時間把眉毛弄出來,超怕弄的時候把刷頭給弄斷。
The device comes with 2 years world wide warranty and 10 years quality guarantee. The package comes with an authenticity card, a short introduction booklet, a travel bag for the Luna 2 and a charger cord. Per charge of the device could last you up to 7 months of use, you won't need to bring the charger with you if you were a person who travel a lot.
Luna 2 的潔面器包括2年的全球保養以及10年的品質保證。潔面器的盒子裡包括了:一張保證卡(上面有潔面器的號碼,給你上官網做全球保養用的)、一張簡單的說明書、一個裝潔面器的小袋子及一條充電的USB線。說明書上寫每一次的充電能夠讓潔面器用至少7個月的時間!這個非常方便一些經常出國旅行的朋友使用,只要充一次,半年內不帶充電的USB線也不用怕出外時不夠電用不了。
For my Luna 2, it has a cleansing mode and an anti aging mode, one minute for each mode. First you put on your daily cleanser on your face, then turn on the device, which immediately would be the cleansing mode. The device comes with 12 vibrating intensities, which you could change the vibrating intensity using the +/- button on the device. For cleansing mode, the device will pause every 15 seconds indicating you to move the device to the next area for further cleansing. After a minute on cleansing mode, the device will automatically change to anti-aging mode for another one minute.
在Luna 2裡,它有清潔及抗老兩種模式。每一個模式都長達一分鐘。先把平常用的洗臉產品(膏狀或是乳液狀的)塗在臉上(有磨砂或是有顆粒的洗臉產品不能使用),然後啟動潔面器清潔模式就會開始,模式開始後,潔面器便會震動,開始清潔臉部。它有12種震動程度,可利用+/- 去控制,並選擇一個適合你的震動模式。每15秒潔面器便會停一下(停很快的一下),提示你可將潔面器移到臉上別的地方進行清潔。當一分鐘完結後,它便會震三下,提示你清潔模式已完成,可繼續進行一分鐘的抗老模式。
I use the cleansing mode in the lowest vibrating intensity for both day and night. At first, I found the device was so hard to use as I miscounted the buzz, causing me to have my face cleansed for 2 minutes. After I have used the device in the correct way, I feel the benefits of using the device.
The device does clean my face so much better than just using my fingertips. Using my hands to wash my face may cause me over cleanse my face. Using this device provides me a precise timing on how long I should wash my face on certain areas, avoiding me to over cleanse my face. After a week of using, I realised that the black heads on my nose area get smaller and the breakouts and blocked pores on my chin have significantly reduced. I do not expect the device can give me a perfect skin after a few use, I would definitely keep using it and see how the device can perform on my skin in a long run.
For the anti-aging mode, I have tried few times only which I could not provide a detail feedback on how well the device works on fine lines. However, I heard reviews online saying the anti-aging mode enhance the effectiveness of the skin care (especially using the device after applying anti-aging skin care). Go ahead and try and see whether the method works!
對於它的抗老模式,我比較沒有想法,因為我只有試用數次。我上網看用家的評價都是好的,說它可以提升保養品的功效(用家建議的用法:塗了抗老的保養品後,拿出Luna 2,然後使用它的抗老模式,聽說這樣能讓保養品更讓皮膚吸收。)大家可以參考一下,試試看喔!
For more information on Foreo products, please click: Foreo
*更新 updates 05/05/2017
After my purchase on the Foreo, I keep this little thing during my travel. One thing I noticed during my trip to Japan last year was that the surface of the cleanser was swollen up. The first thing that got into my head was whether water was inside the device, so I immediately email the issue to the customer service of Foreo and they replied the email very promptly and asked for the information of the device, such as its serial numbers and some pictures of the device's condition for references. I replied and during my wait for their response the next day, I relised the issue on the device was gone. Thinking back where I was during the issue popped up, I suspected that maybe I traveled to highland and the air pressure was causing the issue, as I traveled back to flatland the issue was gone. I notified the situation to the customer service via email, and they suggested me to keep my eyes on the device and see whether the issue keeps occurring, also, I can send the device to the company for checking if needed.
*更新 updates 05/05/2017
After my purchase on the Foreo, I keep this little thing during my travel. One thing I noticed during my trip to Japan last year was that the surface of the cleanser was swollen up. The first thing that got into my head was whether water was inside the device, so I immediately email the issue to the customer service of Foreo and they replied the email very promptly and asked for the information of the device, such as its serial numbers and some pictures of the device's condition for references. I replied and during my wait for their response the next day, I relised the issue on the device was gone. Thinking back where I was during the issue popped up, I suspected that maybe I traveled to highland and the air pressure was causing the issue, as I traveled back to flatland the issue was gone. I notified the situation to the customer service via email, and they suggested me to keep my eyes on the device and see whether the issue keeps occurring, also, I can send the device to the company for checking if needed.
After realising the problem, I tend to keep the device on my carry-on luggage, allowing the device to stay in a stable environment as much as possible. Although I noticed the surface of the device would still swollen a little bit during changes of the environment (eg. inside the cabin or up on a hill), the situation was not as serious as when I noticed it at the first time. Not sure whether it is a defeat of the device or just happened on the specific one I owned, hoping there are no other issues showing up on the device (finger crossed).